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Deer-Elk Complete Feeds
Fawn Starter for Commercial Production
TraceMax® Fawn Starter (81482AAA)
  • Nutritionally balanced feed formulated for feeding to bottle-fed fawns in confinement to achieve better growth
  • 20% protein, 4.5% fat and no more than 7.5% fiber
  • Multiple protein sources and stabilized rice bran (energy source)
  • Balanced vitamin/mineral package
  • Unique, Nutritional Components – CitriStim®, PremiDex™, Easyzyme®*, Antler D®**, direct fed microbial, complexed (organic) trace minerals and natural-source vitamin E
  • Feed free-choice in limited amounts to ensure product freshness
  • 0.25-2 lb daily feeding rate
  • Micro-pellet (micrette); 50-lb bag
Growing and Breeding Deer and Elk in Commercial Production
Rack Plus™ Deer & Elk 18-4 Products
  • Nutritionally balanced, high-energy, grain-based feed formulated to be fed with forage
  • 18% protein, 4% fat and no more than 14% fiber
  • Multiple protein sources provide rumen degradable and by-pass proteins, positively impacting antler size and body weight
  • Stabilized rice bran to help achieve and maintain better body condition
  • Highly digestible energy and fiber sources help sustain production and body condition
  • Balanced vitamin/mineral package
  • Unique, Nutritional Components – CitriStim®, direct fed microbial and complexed (organic) trace minerals)
  • 2-6 lb daily feeding rate with good-quality forages
  • Mini-pellet; 50-lb bag
  • Product options:
    • Deer & Elk 18-4 No. 81686AAA
    • Deer & Elk 18-4 with Thermal Care™ R No. 81687AAA
    • Deer & Elk 18-4 with Garlic No. 81689AAA
    • Deer & Elk 18-4 with Thermal Care R and Garlic No. 81690AAA
    • Deer & Elk 18-4 Select No. 81691AAA (Ideal product for growing and breeding deer and elk; also provides these additional Unique, Nutritional Components – Thermal Care R, PremiDex™, garlic, natural-source vitamin E, selenium yeast and Antler D™**.)
Rack Plus™ Deer & Elk 18-5 Breeder (81692AAA)
  • Nutritionally balanced, high-energy, grain-based feed formulated to be fed with forage
  • Specially formulated to supply the nutritional support needed to facilitate excellent reproductive efficiency; also excellent to use as a lactation feed
  • 18% protein, 5% fat and no more than 14% fiber
  • Multiple protein sources provide rumen degradable and by-pass proteins, positively impacting antler size and body weight
  • Stabilized rice bran to help achieve and maintain better body condition
  • Highly digestible energy and fiber sources help sustain production and body condition
  • Balanced vitamin/mineral package including vitamins A, D, E and B-complex
  • Unique, Nutritional Components – CitriStim®, direct fed microbial, Antler D™**, complexed (organic) trace minerals), natural-source vitamin E and selenium yeast
  • 2-6 lb daily feeding rate with good-quality forages
  • Mini-pellet; 50-lb bag
NOTE: Feeding deer/elk in the wild is illegal in some areas. Check with local wildlife officials on legality of feeding deer/elk in the wild in your specific area.
Refer to product labels for complete feeding directions.
*Trademark of EASY BIO, Inc.
**Antler D is a trademark of Head Gear LLC.