Dairy Research is the Foundation of ADM Lactation Programs. ADM Animal Nutrition™ utilizes many avenues of research to develop state-of-the-art lactation products and programs. ADM dairy research utilizes bench top laboratory (in vitro), in situ (cannulated cow), commercial dairy operations and university studies. We believe this comprehensive approach combining both scientific review and on-farm performance measurement provides lactation products of relevance to our customers.
In vitro facilities are used to assess ruminal digestion of carbohydrates, protein and amino acids using a batch-culture fermentation system. Rate and extent of protein and carbohydrate fermentation can be measured using an in vitro gas production system.
In situ studies are conducted through a collaborative research agreement with a commercial dairy using cannulated, lactating dairy cows. Primary emphasis of recent studies has focused on establishing the rumen bypass protein and amino acid content of multiple feed ingredients. This information is used to enhance the accuracy of ADM feed formulation. As new feed ingredients and ingredient blends are developed, initial screening is conducted through lactation studies to evaluate changes in milk production and composition. Ingredients showing initial promise undergo additional studies including university lactation and metabolism studies to further validate their benefits.
The RationFLEX® Program provides farm-specific customization to the dairy industry. The ADM RationFLEX Dairy Feed Program enables our field staff to provide farm-specific diet formulation, appropriately balanced around dairy producers’ homegrown grains, forages and commodities. This allows customized product development and nutrient supplementation to meet your specific needs. This is in concert with the use of ADM’s proprietary amino acid, fat and nutrient excretion models to provide the most appropriate balance of all nutrients. Additionally, we offer expert on-farm consultation to help optimize overall dairy herd performance and profitability.